/ Kapilan M / projects

These are just some projects that I’ve worked on - from hackathons, university projects to adventures in my free time.

Check out my GitHub profile to see some code!

Natural Language Processing, Python, SQLite, Electron, React, TypeScript

Facebook Hack-A-Project Programme

🎉 Winner • March 2019

ICHack 18

🎉 Winner • Best Game/AR Award • January 2018

Canvas - CRDT Collaborative Drawing App

CRDTs, Swift, Javascript, XMPP

Flip • 2nd Year WebApps Project

Vue.js, Firebase, Cloud Firestore

Pintos Operating System

C, Assembly

WACC Compiler

Java, ANTLR, Assembly, SpringBoot, Docker

ARM11 Emulator and Assembler

C, Assembly

CrowdBeats - crowdsourced Spotify Playlists

React, Swift, Node.js Express